Spragueia onagrus - Hodges#9126
(Black-Dotted Spragueia Moth).
Photo: 07/16/11, 7 pm.

A very beautiful moth: Spragueia onagrus - Hodges#9126. It's common name is black-dotted Spragueia moth. The bug guide reports this species only for Florida and Georgia but this seems to be misleading. Anyway I couldn't find much information on this small moth. By the way, this is the first (posted) photo taken with my new Nikon D5100. 
bug guide (this photo):

Spragueia leo - Hodges#9127 (Common Spragueia Moth).
Size: approx. 10 mm. Photo: 08/27/11, 6 pm.

These Spragueia moths are surprisingly shiny and always look a bit "photoshopped". This one is the Common Spragueia Moth (Spragueia leo). 

bug guide (this photo):
moth photographers group:
Noctuidae of North America: